Preventative Maintenance

Preparing Your Vehicle for Road Trips

It’s inconvenient enough when you have car trouble at home. However, nothing is worse than having your vehicle break down far away from home or while on vacation.

Vacations are supposed to be a time for fun and relaxation, but that could quickly change your plan if you don’t take the proper steps to get your car ready for that long trip.

Here’s a Pre-Road Trip Checklist to help you prepare for your long trip:

Change the Oil and Check Fluids

  • Your car will drive for much longer than it’s likely used to, and fluids will keep it from overheating. 

Check Lights

  • Ensure that all of your lights are working correctly. Be sure to include your high beams in this check, as you may need them on the road at night. 

Air Conditioner Checkup

 Change The Air Filter

  • Your air filter is your engine’s first line of defense. Changing your air filter helps decrease acceleration, horsepower, and overall engine performance.

 Check Tires

Check Brakes

  • Check that your brake pads and rotors are in good shape and that your brakes are functioning correctly. If in doubt, get them changed.

 Check Wipers and Wiper Fluid

  • Check your windshield wipers and fluids to ensure that wipers work correctly, and fluids are full.